Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Remembering Grandma

One of the main reasons we vacationed on the Northern Oregon Coast was to be close to Grandma who lived in Astoria. And driving through Astoria and seeing some of her old houses, church, The Custard King and Pig n' Pancake brought back a flood of great memories. I remember we use to go to the Astor Column once a year and climb the stairs after spending time on the old homestead or at Aunt Dorothy's house. At the end of our family vacation we had a memorial service which had a nice slideshow of Grandma's life. She certainly had a full life of 99 years. After the service, we had a reception and caught up with family friends and relatives. From there, we went to the cematary and put flowers on Grandma and Grandpa's graves. Again, more memories came to service as we walked around. My brother and I used to run around and look at headstones as my mom and Grandma would put flowers on Grandpa's grave and her families' grave. We would be able to find our way back if we got lost once we found the Indian statue that marked the graves of several Indians from the region.
Grandma is finally able to rest next to Grandpa. I bet she is having fun in Heaven looking down on her family who loved her dearly.

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