Sunday, March 07, 2010

Once is enough

Yesterday, we ran over the Arthur R. Bridge. Randy ran from Mt. Pleasant to Charleston while Sabrina napped in the stroller pushed by Julie. Sabrina woke up from all the car traffic noise and the wind and was not happy about it. She cried at the top of her lungs which would have been unbearable but the wind muted the volume. Julie ran the leg from Charleston back to Mt. Pleasant. Randy pushed Sabrina in the stroller at a fast walk/ jog speed to get her back to the car quickly. After our little adventure we decided not to do the official bridge run in a couple of weeks. The race is host to 4,500 runners. We scoped out the parking on either side of the bridge and thought about the logistics of trying to drop a runner and get back over the bridge before 7am and manage Sabrina. After being overwhelmed with details, we decided to continue running a 10K distance around where we live. It is lovely to run near a river away from traffic. From one end of the island we can look at the bridge and that is appealing.

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