Friday, April 09, 2010

Coincidence Maybe

Two nights ago we when we were done reading several books to Sabrina, I said "Are you ready for bed now?" and Sabrina looked me in the face and replied, "NO!"
I sat shocked and then asked Randy if he heard the conversation which he had. Both of us were amazed as Sabrina really hasn't said anything super clearly yet.
She waves her hand from the high chair and makes a close attempt at "All gone" or "All done".
Babbling she will say "dadadadadada" or "mamamamama".
She uses her arms to make a sign similar to "more" in sign language.
And she uses her secret language to make her cardboard and stuff animals "talk" as they hop around the apartment.
Right after she was born she would say "hi" on the changing table.
But none of these attempts to communicate appeared so purposeful and used correctly as the "no" of the other evening. The funny thing is that we were intentionally trying not to use the word "no", but using phrases like "not for the hands, or mouth" or "let's try this instead". We were trying to prolong the introduction to the terrible two word! Lot of good that did!

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