Thursday, May 13, 2010

"I will do it on my own, Thank you!"

In the last two days, Sabrina has developed a real independent spirit when it comes to eating. She wants to put the food in her mouth on her own. No spoons involved, just grab and stuff. So we are having a variety of choices at meal times....cheerios, cheese, cut up avocado all make good hand food and she can feed herself those items. However, due to the fact we are living in a carpeted place, she still has to eat rice cereal and smashed yams from a spoon! I am not sure what all is in store for us, but in the last week a real "I will do it myself" attitude has emerged! We will keep you posted.......

1 comment:

John said...

Plastic office-chair floor-protector.

Oh, and here's your art smock.

And you know, a shower-curtain gussied up as a fairy princess canopy will probably save you from having to re-paint your walls...