Saturday, March 12, 2011

Knock, Knock!

The adventures of our little climber continue. Her new thing is to throw all blankets and stuff animals out of the bed and climb out of bed and jump on the soft pile to freedom in the room. The first night she did this we did not have her room door shut as we were trying to get more heat in her room at night. On that night she was able to roam around the house... In the morning, we discovered the kitchen door closed, the stair block moved and a little girl emptying all the movies in the movie cabinet downstairs. These movies were not just removed from the cabinet, but removed from the cases....tapes and DVDs! So we had a little game of match the movie with its cover!

This week's adventures have been confined to her room as we have wised up a little. However, two mornings ago I awoke at six in the morning to a slam and some knocks. She had shut herself in her closet and could not get out and so was knocking for the door to be opened! To my horror, yesterday when I opened the door after nap, Sabrina was up lying on the changing table! I hope she makes it safely to two!


John said...

Hmmm. Sounds like you need one of those wooden toys with doors and hasps on them that they sell at country hardware stores.

Or a Rubik's Cube.

Truluck's said...

Wow! What a little climber! I thought Z was adventurous but he's only made it to on top of the kitchen table and in bathroom sink! You have a little dare devil!!
- Kelly