Sunday, April 03, 2011

To stitch or not to stitch, that is the question!

This morning Sabrina's rough week continued. First thing this morning at Grandma and Grandpa's house she tripped on her blanket and did a chin plant on the wooden stairs, busting open her chin. I did not realize she was bleeding until seeing the blood all over her blanket, pjs and my pjs. (We had slept at Grandparents' house as we went to a concert the night before and it was easier to let Sabrina sleep than to move her at midnight.) Anyhow, after the bleeding stopped and were able to clean up the chin, it did not look as bad. Thus, the debate of whether to stitch or not came into play. The neighbor who is a doctor came and inspected and said although it was a long cut, it was not deep enough for stitches. Now if Sabrina would just let us put on a bandage that would be nice!

1 comment:

John said...

Ouch! Mom told me about this before I read it. Face and head cuts are the worst because they bleed all over the place. Long shallow cuts like that make me wish for organic skin glue that could be used instead of stitches.

(Pauses to imagine trying to glue a toddler's chin shut.)

Or... maybe not.