Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Daddy Fix It!

Sabrina's favorite saying now is "Daddy fix it!" This applies to broken crayons, animals losing their stuffing, broken plastic wands, ripped pages in a beloved book. ANYTHING can be fixed by Daddy!

In other vocabulary news Sabrina has been learning sign language slowly. Mainly we have been working on "please, sorry, thank you and your turn-my turn." The other evening she actually used her new found knowledge to get her point across to me (Julie) who was singing "I've Been Working on the Railroad." She rather firmly told me to "Stop!" in which I replied that she needed to ask me nicely. Her response was to sign "Stop!" while saying it and then giggle. So the good news is that she should understand the word and have no excuses when I tell her to stop something.... I know...a dream.

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