Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

This weekend has been wonderful having Sabrina hang out with Randy and after last week that is just what we all needed. During the week we had our windows replaced and stayed at Grandma and Grandpa's house while our house was in transition with dangerous pieces of glass and metal around the windows before the deep vacuuming. Ironically, Sabrina found a box of stored items in the closet at the grandparents' house and cut her hands on an old Tigger watch that was in a box with broken glass over the face. Luckily, the lessons on band-aide wearing have sunk in and she allowed the bandages to stay on her fingers. In fact, the next morning she was actually drumming her fingers on every surface.
Friday, Randy showed up with twelve rhodies in the truck. After planting them on Saturday, our yard now has forty plants he has planted along the road. A great improvement to our back yard. So, needless to say, Sunday was a slow moving morning but we managed to prepare our contributions for the brunch at the grandparents' house. To work off the calories, we took the tandem out for about a fifteen mile bike ride. Unfortunately, the driving chain snapped while we were climbing the hill and almost home. This is the second time this has happened in the last mile of climbing before we reach home. Time for a new chain. The weather was a perfect 70ish and there was a nice breeze, so Randy had a great ride for Father's Day!

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