Monday, January 14, 2013

Bonadventure Cemetery

As with many places in Savannah and in the South in general,  the cemeteries are rumored to be haunted.   Bonadenture Cemetery most recently became famous from the story of Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil as it was where the voodoo was practiced for Jim Mercer.   The statue of the bird girl is now in an art museum and a copy greets visitors in the information center at the museum. 
Sabrina looking into a family plot.  

Spanish-American War Veterans

Several graves had ferns or Palmetto trees buried at the headston.

Gracie has a fence protecting her now.

Partly out of curiousity and partly from recommmendation from a website, we decided to take a family walk through the cemetery to see the old graves.   We were pleasantly surprised with the ornately decorated statues and memorials to people who once lived in the area.   One of the most famous memorials is Gracie, a life size statue of the little six year old who died of pneumonia.  Her parents ran the hotel in Savannah and Gracie was a gregarious little girl who unfortunately contracted pneomonia before there was a cure.   It is a reminder to us how life is so frail and how far medical practices have come.

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