Saturday, January 26, 2013

Hygiene- Amazing changes

A few weekends  ago we went to Fort Pulaski and saw a demonstration of a rifle firing.  The soldier talked about the importance of soldiers to have at least two front teeth.   These teeth were needed to tear open the powder packets for loading the guns.    Each soldier was issued a little bag and some carried a toothbrush (which was a new invention and often shared by groups of men),  a mirror (shared by many men), soap, and other small items.   Only the bag was part of the uniform.  The men had to purchased the contents.  
When we see these demonstrations, it really makes us thankful for the cleaning products we all have now.   I never would have thought about sharing my toothbrush with several people.    The soldier did not talk about toothpaste.   We will have to look up when it was invented.

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